
星空下载站 > 游戏资讯 > 游戏问答 > 梦想协奏曲乐队搭配技巧


作者:佚名 来源:星空下载站 时间:2019-10-19

In the game, the player can match the band by himself. The good match can improve the team's comprehensive strength. So how can I match the perfect band? What should I pay attention to? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian.


In the Dream Concerto, the same character tends to have multiple cards with different stars. When editing a band, you can't play different cards of the same character in the same team.

The principle of matching the band is best to achieve the same color as the same team, that is, the characters in the lineup belong to the same band in the game setting and the cards are also in the same color. /p>

The same color team can't directly make the card have stronger strength, but because the bonus items in the game will often take effect according to the team or color, the same color team can enjoy the corresponding concentration to the greatest extent. Addition has a very high comprehensive score

If the player’s number of cards is large enough to support the Samsung card or even the full four-star card, it is naturally best because the high-star card has an advantage in terms of attributes and potential

In the initial stage, if there is no card, you can directly select the automatic teaming function, but remember to manually adjust the C bit to a suitable card, that is, to launch the skill effect to provide a bonus point because when participating in the concert Only a C-player character can launch a skill scorecard to hit a higher score
